How do Fire Sprinklers Work?

Fire Sprinkler Leak in Kansas City

You’ve probably seen a movie or to where someone gets mad at their boss or company and holds a lighter up to the sprinkler. This causes all the sprinklers to go off at once, drenching the office. In real life, you would definitely need a fire sprinkler repair in Kanas City if that actually happened. In real life, fire sprinklers are designed to put out fires and turn them off quickly.

Let’s look at how sprinklers work and why you should have them inspected regularly. Not only for the sake of your business but also to make sure you do not have a fire sprinkler leak in Kansas City.

To learn more about fire sprinkler installation and how it can help your commercial business, contact

Aegis Fire Protection online or call our team at 913-825-0343 today.

Pressurized Water

It takes a lot of network piping to install the fire sprinkler heads in your building. At Aegis Fire Protection, we want to ensure you do not need fire sprinkler repair in Kansas City, so the best time to install the sprinkler system is during construction. That way, the pipes are installed behind the walls and ceilings.

Fire Sprinkler Leak in Kansas City

Temperature Sensitivity

Sprinklers will go off in a building if the temperature rises and they detect a temperature change indictive of a fire. The fire alarm service in Kansas City will work simultaneously with the sprinkler system to make sure these aren’t too sensitive. For example, if your employee burns their meal in the microwave, you won’t have to worry about setting off the sprinklers.

The mechanism in the fire sprinkler head depends on the system you choose to install with Aegis Fire Protection. Some fire sprinkler heads have liquid-filled glass vials that shatter at high temperatures. Aegis will consult with you on what is best for your particular situation.

Quick Response

Pressurized water is released as soon as the sprinkler system detects an increase indicative of a fire. If these mechanisms fail when there is no indication of a fire and begin leaking, be sure to contact Aegis for a fire sprinkler leak in Kansas City. Often the automatic sprinkler system can suppress a fire before the first responders even arrive at the building.

Fire sprinkler systems should be a component of a complete prevention system in your building. These other devices should include a fire alarm service in Kansas City and fire extinguishers.


Let us handle the details so you can focus on your business. Our services include fire sprinkler repair in Kansas City, backflow and fire alarm inspection in Kansas City, and automatic email reminders when your system is due for inspection. Easy scheduling for fire alarm and backflow service in Kansas City.

We file all reports to the city and fire marshal.

24-hour emergency service line | 913-825-0343


Fire Sprinkler Leak in Kansas City

 Founded in 2007, Aegis Fire Protection LLC is a full-service fire protection company serving the greater KC Metro and Springfield, MO areas. We are specialized in the design, installation, and inspection of both Fire Sprinkler and Fire Alarm Systems—protecting your lives and assets every step of the way.

We respond to service calls 24/7 and work diligently to fit your schedule.
Our NICET Certified design team has over 30 years of in-field experience.
BIM coordination is available.



Commercial Installation and Fire Alarm Service in Kansas City


Explaining Backflow Prevention, Part 2